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Fleeing the Fleas

18th February 2019

Fleas tend to enter your home in the warmer months courtesy of your dogs and cats. If you’re
tired of battling endless flea infestations in summer, it’s time to act now.

Spending what should generally be a luxurious summer holiday trying to rid your home of
?eas can be a nightmare. If your pet has brought them inside, there is no quick-fix solution.

These tiny pests can survive without a host for 100 days or longer, and they infest your carpet,
bedding, rugs, and even your furniture.

As a result, both your furry friends and your family can fall victim to endless itching and
scratching courtesy of hungry ?ea visitors. If you want a comfortable and relaxing summer
without ?eas interrupting it, there’s no time like the present to begin your ?ea removal process

Firstly, if you fnd that your dog or cat is suffering from ?eas as much as your home is, seeing
a vet is crucial. Long-term or severe infestations can cause anaemia, tapeworm, and other
problems for your pet, and setting up a treatment plan can beneft both your pet and your home.

However, once you’ve had a vet administer ?ea treatment and you’re continuing regular
treatment at home, that’s not the end of your battle. Because ?eas can lie dormant for such a
long time, any slight noise or vibration can wake them from their slumber to begin reproduction once more. So, while your ?ea treatment is working wonders for your pet’s health, it’s not helping to remove any ?eas that may now be in your carpet, bedding, or any other part of your home.

You can remove up to 80 percent of ?ea eggs through vacuuming, as well as up to 95 percent
of mature ?eas. However, remember to remove the bags from the house after each clean. What’s more, steam cleaning your home can be an effective method of removal, as well as cleaning bedding, skirting boards, and washing your pet’s bedding in warm or hot water. It may
also be helpful to block your dog’s access to long grass and “hidey holes” such as under your house or deck

Over time, and by making sure you regularly treat your pets, you will be able to get rid of your ?ea problem and begin your summer months on the right foot.