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Why does my dog smell?

12th August 2019

If you find yourself crinkling your nose up as soon as your furry friend walks into the room, it might be time to get to the source of the odour.

While it’s true in some cases that a smelly dog has just been rolling in something unfavourable, it’s not always the cause of the problem. Instead, it could be any of the following:

1. Tooth and gum disease

If your dog has periodontal disease or oral health issues, then they tend to produce more saliva than usual. This saliva can create a nasty odour. See your vet immediately, as you must take tooth and gum disease seriously.

2. Skin conditions

If you have a dog with skin folds, then you must clean them often with a specialised
cleanser or gentle wipes. Often, they can be prone to dermatitis, resulting in stinky skin.

3. Ear infections

If your dog is allergy-prone or has long ears, they may get ear infections. Typically, these come with a pungent odour which can be similar to yeast. See your vet to check for allergies or other conditions.

4. Anal sac issues

Dogs have two anal sacs near their anus which give off an oily or smelly secretion. If these become infected or impacted, it can make your dog uncomfortable and messy. You may find the oily substance oozes out onto their fur which can be challenging to clean. See your vet for help and advice.

5. Gas

If your dog eats something they shouldn’t, or has a sensitive stomach, you may find they smell because of flatulence! Avoid table scraps and titbits, instead, offer vet approved food.

Your dog can smell for many reasons, which is why it’s so important to keep on top of their health. Remember to book them in for annual check-ups and take note if they are particularly whiffy!