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The dos and don'ts of a dog's dinner

12th October 2020

Many dogs will eat almost anything, but that doesn’t mean they should. Here�s what makes a decent dog’s dinner.

Domesticated dogs are carnivores, but the average dog needs a well-rounded and high-quality diet to keep them in peak physical condition.

The foundation of a dog’s diet should be a vet-approved dog food that caters for their stage of life. For example, you would typically start a puppy on puppy food before you move them on to adolescent, adult, and senior. 

Every dog is different and has specific needs, so consult your vet for advice based on your dog’s history and requirements before you start a new type of food. You can then feed them a quantity based on their size, age, exercise level, breed and health.

It’s also okay to feed your dogs treats from time to time, such as fresh and raw human-grade meat and raw, meaty bones. Once again, check with your vet to make sure such treats are suitable for your dog.

The RSPCA recommends that pet owners who wish to include raw meat in their dog’s diet choose human-grade meat. Some pet-marketed food contains preservatives, which can be detrimental to their health. Ensure any commercial food you purchase complies with the Australian Standard for the Manufacturing and Marketing of Pet Food AS5812-2017.

If you take pleasure in seeing your dog’s eyes light up at the sight of a bone, then ensure you choose a dog-friendly one and offer full supervision. While some bones can be beneficial for teeth and gum health, not all of them are safe.

Uncooked bones such as raw lamb ribs and flaps can be a treat for your furry friend, but make sure they’re big enough to prevent accidental swallowing. Avoid chop bones, T-bones, knuckles, length-sawn bones, and marrow bones, as some of these can cause cracked teeth and other injuries. Never feed your dog cooked bones which can splinter and cause serious health problems.

Variety is the spice of life, so expand your dog’s horizons with occasional treats of tinned fish in water, cooked vegetables, and boneless broiled chicken or lamb.

Your dog’s diet can be extensive and varied, but it’s also all about moderation. Talk to your vet about portion control, foods you should avoid (such as chocolate, garlic, onions, and grapes), and how to spoil your dog with different options while keeping them safe and healthy.

We can advise you on the best diet to keep your pet in optimum health.